Saturday, October 21, 2017

Giganotus Rex: Profile of the Monster

Subject Name: Giganotus Rex (A.K.A: G. Rex)

Giganotus Rex (G. Rex) is a massive, fire breathing reptile.He stands at approximately 250 feet tall and is estimated to be close to 400 feet long from head to tail. He has a single row of dorsal spines protruding from his back and felinesque ears towards the back of his head. His back and underbelly are black while his middle section is green. He has massive sharp teeth like that of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, as well as a head that, proportionately, fits the description of a T. Rex. Unlike a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Giganotus Rex has forelimbs that are proportionate to the rest of his body. Thus, Giganotus Rex is not just a gargantuan T. Rex, but an entirely unique species.

Origin of Name:
William Martin Stevens is credited for naming the creature now known as Giganotus Rex. Mr. Stevens is one of the witnesses that encountered the monster in the Village of Orwell. He became intrigued by this animal and sought to uncover its identity. Upon doing some research concerning various species of therapod dinosaurs, he determined that the creature was unique in its size and proportions from any other known dinosaur. Because it has features that resemble a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Giganotosaurus, Mr. Stevens named his discovery Giganotus Rex.

History (CLASSIFIED): Throughout history there have been appearances of a strange, dragon-like creature that has been spotted at pivotal moments in prominent civilizations. Among these civilizations are Egypt, Babylon, Rome, and even Camelot. Legend has maintained that the appearance of monsters is a sign of a change of fortune. This can range from good fortune to absolute catastrophe. A monster, matching the description of Giganotuas Rex, has consistently indicated that the age of a great civilization was coming to a close. 

Giganotus Rex's origins are a mystery. Throughout the ages, a creature that matches his description has been documented, but it is unknown whether it is the same creature. What is known is that the creature has been documented to be significantly larger from one appearance to the next. 

One of the most well-documented  sightings of the monster was in the Atlantic Ocean, during World War II. In a battle between the British steamer Iberian and German U-28, a crocodile-like creature was reported to have been launched from the waters as a result of an explosion. 

The most recent sightings have taken place in the Village of Orwell and were documented by William Martin Stevens. The monster decimated the military units sent to Orwell and then departed beneath the ground. Unbeknownst to Mr. Stevens, the Rulers have been well aware of this monster for quite some time. It can only be hoped that he is never seen again.

Read The Wrath of Giganotus Rex to learn more.

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