Tuesday, February 27, 2018

God is Not Scientific?

Science is considered to be the only constant we know of in the universe. It is a process of making observations and forming conclusions. If all knowledge were lost, science would inevitably get us back on track. Right?

God is recognized by many religions as the entity that started everything. He has no beginning and will have no end. He was once thought to be the storehouse of all wisdom, until the scientific method was invented and taught mankind how to interpret the natural universe. Through the scientific method, God can neither be proven nor disproven. So, how can a being that cannot be seen, heard, touched, or felt be considered a part of reality? In addition, how could God, who is considered to be all powerful and all good be in control of the universe, that is not all good? Perhaps a God that is not scientific is no God at all.

Have you ever been stumped by propositions like these? God doesn't meet the same criteria as everything else in the universe. He is the ultimate reality, who wrote the laws of the universe, and who keeps it in motion. His existence is independent of our universe. The entirety of creation is a testimony towards his existence.

There are times when God must defy the laws of nature through miraculous works to achieve his ultimate plans. The Bible makes it clear that God shows mercy on some people and he brings his wrath upon others. He makes his rain to come down on the crops of both the righteous and the wicked. He is a free being that works all things out for good for those who love him and are called according to his purposes. The judgment that awaits the wicked and the glory that awaits the righteous far outweigh the temporary comforts or sufferings of our short-lived lives.

With this in mind, from an objective standpoint, one must remember that not all gods are the same. The God of the Bible is not like the god of the Koran. The god of the Koran is not like the gods of the Greeks. The gods of the Greeks are not like the Norwegian gods. The Norwegian gods are not like the Great Spirit of the Native Americans, and so forth.There is a way to disprove each set of gods that are discussed. It can be done by judging whether or not their stories represent reality.

In this sense, the Biblical God rises to the top because the Bible, which asserts that it's the Word of God. The Bible is a book that accurately describes the world in which we live. The people described are real and can be verified through archaeology. The way that it describes the natural world is consistent with the way that science defines it, from a purely objective perspective. Its description of human nature is several millennia ahead of its time, and we are still just trying to catch up to its wisdom concerning how to correct the ailments of mankind. When the truths of the Bible are put into practice by a nation, that nation prospers. When a nation departs from the ways of the Bible, that nation falls apart, piece by piece.

Science, as we now know it, falls short of defining truth. It is a collection of observations through which we devise conclusions. The observations will not change, but the conclusions are always changing. A false premise, leads to false conclusions. Historically, these are some examples where science has gotten it wrong: genetics, astrophysics, metaphysics, vestigial organs, junk DNA, earth's location in the universe (which was affirmed through observation, not religion), the affects of second hand smoke, nutrition (which changes daily), human sexuality, gender identification, and just about any theory that exists today once existed in a less perfect form in previous generations. Science is always changing; sometimes for better and sometimes for worse.

Is God scientific? He is the author of all science. He exists beyond the universe of scientific observations but can be proven through a holy text that rightly defines reality. His miracles that have been observed throughout history defy the laws of nature. And, up to this day, there has been no book that has been correct by every objective standard, as the Bible has been. "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever" (Isaiah 40:8).


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