Thursday, April 27, 2017

Global Warming: A Twist to the Story

This week has provided one more twist to the story of man-made climate change. Former energy department secretary, Steven Koonin, has revealed that bureaucrats within the Obama administration were intentionally blowing climate data out of proportion for the sake pushing the President's agenda. To some, this would appear to be a shocking surprise. To those of us following the history of the global warming, it comes as no surprise.

The idea of global warming started off as a genuine scientific pursuit, but quickly evolved into a full blown political issue devoid of science.

No one proves this better than Al Gore. Al Gore first learned about global warming from a professor of his named Roger Revelle, who was one of the most significant figures in the climate change movement of the late 1900s. Revelle, at the beginning of his investigation, observed the gradual warming of the earth and correlated it to possible contributing factors, chief among them was CO2 output. Towards the end of his life, Revelle noticed that the data was no longer conforming to his original hypothesis that man-made CO2 increases were major factors in the world's climate. Revelle eventually renounced his belief in global warming. Al Gore's response to Revelle's renunciation was to call his former mentor senile. Why did Gore refuse to take his mentor's conclusion seriously?

In his infamous documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore discusses the impending threat of global warming. Aside from the reality that he predicted that our coastlines would be submerged under 20 feet (or something in that range) of water by now, the trained ear quickly understands what the purpose of his documentary truly was: political propaganda.

A clear political message is preached throughout the documentary. He opens up by chastising the Bush administration for Katrina, scolds Congress for their lack of seriousness in their approach to environmental issues, and gives a series of epic sob stories that lead into Gore's political solutions to the dire climate threat. If sound science is measured by its ability to predict future events, An Inconvenient Truth fell flat on its face, as Rush Limbaugh's Al Gore Countdown to Armageddon Clock reached zero.

Man-made global climate change is only supported through dishonest efforts to enforce stronger government regulations on businesses and the lives of private citizens. This latest hoax can be added to the list: Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth, East Anglia University's Climategate controversy, and the fudging of the 97% consensus of scientists that is frequently used to invalidate dissenters. The 97% is a figure that is taken after removing most of the scientists that do not believe in global warming from the study.

Nonetheless, man-made climate change is the narrative of our day. It has become secular dogma, of which heretics are intellectually exiled from the mainstream of society. It has been said that if you want a research grant, for any given project, somehow include support for man-made climate change  and the grant will be given. Did I mention that Al Gore and numerous CEO's are asking for $15 trillion to fight global warming? Why is the campaign not to stop global warming, if they are so concerned? And why is there not a greater number of people questioning this outrageous sum of money? Like any good dogma, despite the overwhelming evidence against it, it remains as "truth." I challenge you to see that there is more to the story than a pursuit for the betterment of "our" planet earth.


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