In 2013, I published a book titled, The World That Then Was. The title comes from 2 Peter 3:6, "Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished" (KJV). The premise of the book is that we, the intellectuals of the postmodern era, have forgotten where we have come from. We have started accepting a false history of the world; therefore, denying the existence of God. By accepting a false premise from the start, we begin misinterpreting scientific evidence to try to prove that there is no God, and by default, no purpose for our lives.
Within the pages of my book, I give verifiable evidence that the events in the Bible, the events at the beginning of time, did indeed happen. It was a quest to find the answers, but it is of great value. Do we believe post-modern teachings, or do we use the evidence to strengthen our faith in the one true God of all creation? I think you should see the evidence for yourself.
I want to give you a few fascinating pieces from my book, and today will be about the Genesis Flood...
Have you ever been taught in school that the Bible does not support scientific evidence for the creation of the world? Perhaps, in college, professors challenged the accuracy and validity of the Holy Scriptures. I remember at Cleveland State university, my biology professor said that there was no evidence, whatsoever, that the world had ever been totally submerged under water (in an attempt to falsify the Genesis Flood). Instead of providing evidence that the world had never been flooded, he actually provided evidence that supported the Bible. As he began to discuss the evolution of life, he taught that the ocean levels used to be so high that the continents were submerged beneath them. Evidence for this reality came in the form of fossils of whales, fish, and "prehistoric marine reptiles" that appeared at remarkably high altitudes above sea level. The water levels were once at high altitudes, during a flood, creating these fossils.
How can a biology professor go from saying that there is no evidence for the Genesis Flood to saying that the entire world used to be submerged beneath the oceans? The assumption is that he was in support of the scientific evidence, but not in support of the Bible. The fascinating point is that we can support both! Instead of believing such intellectuals, lets look at the evidence, as we also look at the Word of God.
What other points in the Bible can we see verified through science? Are there more teachings in the classroom that go hand-in-hand with the Scriptures? Perhaps, the same evidence that professors are using to disprove the Bible should actually be evidence to support it.
If you are interested in this discussion and wish to see more examples, evidence, and deeper insights, you can purchase my book, The World That Then Was, at, or at my website
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