We are on a roll with this series on The Bible and Politics and the discussion of what is liberal and what is conservative. Let's keep the discussion rolling.
Another important point I have observed within America is the difference between the voting class and the political class in each respective ideology. Remember, the ideology itself is not inherently political but will naturally be the driving force behind a political agenda.
Within conservatism, the base has proven to be ideological as a whole. Conservative values resonate well with pepole who are out on the job site, getting into the muck and grime of every day life. Certain aspects of conservative ideology that might seem cruel, in a philosophical sense, are observed, by active conservatives, to be the most compassionate and helpful tenets in the real world.
The political class of conservatism has mostly consisted of loosEly ideological to non-ideological opportunists. They see that conservatism resonates well with their base, but don't believe that most peoplease would choose conservative values if they were given the choice of conservative policy vs liberal policy. This has been a serious detriment to the conservative political agenda because the ideological base is consistently rejected by their elected representatives and the representarives are too afraid to do anything that might threaten their chances of re-election. They believe if they carry forth a conservative agenda, the sleeping masses will awaken and vote them out of office, but that if they don't obey their constituents they will not receive their vote a second time around. This results in excuses that concede to liberal policies under the guise that the politics behind passing an agenda are too complicated to implement for whatever reason.
Liberalism, on the other hand, is the opposite. The liberal base is mostly non-ideological. Their are parts of the liberal agenda that sound good to them, but they really have no idea where the ideas come from. They suppose that common sense dictates that people want clean air, a safety net in time of trouble, and the right to do whatever you want with your body. They are correct because everyone agrees with these principles, but for different ideological reasons.
The political class of librealism is nothing but ideologues these days. This is why their agenda carries the day evengeance when they are the minority in the government. To them, messaging is what is important to win the votes of their constituents. Everything in their message is focused on "such and such is broken/unfair, thus, if you elect me I will give the people such and such to make up for this inequity." Furthermore, they are constantly looking at expanding their base by reaching out to previously ignored minority/people groups. Everyone has a grievance and no grievance is too absurd for the political liberals to cater toward.
Let me know your thoughts. Would you agree with my analysis of conservatism and liberalism so far?
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