There's no telling where we would be if the President of the United States would have been Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, or Bobby Jindal; but one thing these three hammered on throughout the primary campaign was the need to REPEAL Obamacare. It is not time to throw Donald Trump under the bus, as it seems he supports a multi-phased solution to Obamacare, but if he is alright with signing Paul Ryan's American Healthcare Act into law (provided it gets full Congressional approval) than a lot of people's hesitations to support Trump during the Republican Primary will have been entirely justified.
Mark Levin dubbed the American Healthcare Act RINOcare, and rightfully so. It represents everything that is the current Republican Party in all of its incompetence. A RINO, for those who are unfamiliar with the term, is a Republican In Name Only. Unfortunately, the title may be outdated as it seems that the majority of the Republican Party is made up of what would have been called RINOs not that long ago.
Nonetheless, leave it to the Republican Party to take a bill that was designed to fail and to make it worse. Yes, the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare) was designed to fail from the beginning so that voters would run to the government for a solution to the ACA, which the government would graciously propose and implement a single payer program/socialized medicine. Well, the AHA merely eliminates the individual mandate, which is the worst part of Obamacare, but was the mechanism that funded the entire ACA. Without the individual mandate, the ACA would have failed a lot faster. Thus, the AHA will make the Republicans look like a bunch of incompetent fools and will finally attach their name to a healthcare bill that the American people can hate them over.
On the bright side, maybe the American voter will wake up. The Democrats failed Americans with the ACA. The Republicans will fail Americans if they pass the AHA. Conservative like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul have supported another bill that would REPEAL Obamacare and that is the solution America needs to the healthcare debacle.
I'll give Trump time to redeem himself. But, my hesitation with Trump was rooted in this very issue. It was clear he would be strong on the border. It was also clear he would be weak on Obamacare. Regardless, I shudder to think what would have become of the ACA had Hillary Clinton been elected as the President.
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